Verizon Dis-Service
(too old to reply)
2009-09-26 14:34:29 UTC
Verizon Customer DIS-Service, number ONE, number ONE, rah rah rah
(overheard in broken English at a meeting in Calcutta/Kolkata).
Verizon Customer Service stinks so badly you can smell it half a world away.
Verizon Customer Service is to Customer Service what the Special
Olympics is to the Olympics.
Verizon has no iPhone because they were blackballed by Apple because of
Verizon's Customer DIS-Service.
Verizon Zero-Play made necessary and thus endorsed by their Customer
DIS-Service, $0.00/month.
What is the difference between a Verizon Customer Service employee and
an idiot? I don't know, I haven't found any differences yet.
Wireless inexpensive TV offered by a Silicon Valley startup, arriving in
your area long before FiOS TV ever will, AND with SUPPORT!!!
You are in good hands with Verizon Customer Service, because you have to
solve it yourself!
Notify customers before making a critical change affecting email
sending? Why? They will discover things break on their own!
Enabling outbound smtp email security is more about the job security of
the sysadmins than security. It does little, like the sysadmins. (look
boss, I broke everybody's client email and we didn't tell anybody, can I
get a gold star?).
2009-09-28 18:17:57 UTC
Post by John
Verizon Customer DIS-Service, number ONE, number ONE, rah rah rah

I've had some pretty bad experiences with Vz at times but then again, I had
a few pretty exemplary ones too. The one service engineer that did help me
resolve a network problem was kind enough to give me his contact info so I
could contact directly in the future. I did so at another time and it was a
quick fix.

Yeah, managers have to watch out for bottom line costs, Front line contacts
are total dolts that read back the same FAQs that one could get reading them
yourself. Second line help is a bit better but if you make it up to third
line support, be courteous and you might just get a permanent contact.

I'm not happy as a customer with some of the business decisions Vz has made
but I have work-arounds and what I still get is better than what I had with
