Poor Verizon Service June-November 2014
(too old to reply)
Verizon Customer
2014-11-11 15:48:47 UTC
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
2014-11-11 19:55:35 UTC
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
First check the fine print in your service agreement to find out what
you've actually bought. It should take a magnifying glass and a couple
of hours.

Assuming that you haven't agreed to your service glitches, calculate
your damages from "intermittent" service and call this number D. Find
out how many customers have your type of service. Call this number V.
Find out what percentage of those customers have your type of problem
and call this fraction p. Let L be the fees that your lawyers will
require that you set aside in the event your class wins a suit. Do the
following calculation:

D*V*p - L

This calculation assumes that everybody in the class suffered the same
loss you did, which is probably fair for a rough estimate. Consider
that this calculation likely does not give you a positive number.

Many class actions suits are settled without a trial. Let S be the
likely settlement amount. Remember that S < D*V*p, probably much less.
Redo the above calculation:

S - L

Finally, get a life.
Verizon Customer
2014-11-11 20:17:04 UTC
"deadrat" <***@b.com> wrote <SNIP>

Thanks. My bad - I should have been clearer. I'm looking more for the procedure for pursuing the complaint, not how to calculate damages, etc.
Evan Platt
2014-11-11 20:39:10 UTC
On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:17:04 -0800, "Verizon Customer"
Post by Verizon Customer
Thanks. My bad - I should have been clearer. I'm looking more for the procedure for pursuing the complaint, not how to calculate damages, etc.
For a class action lawsuit? An attorney would be a good start.
To reply via e-mail, remove The Obvious and .invalid from my e-mail address.
2014-11-11 21:30:46 UTC
Post by Verizon Customer
Thanks. My bad - I should have been clearer. I'm looking more for the procedure for pursuing the complaint, not how to calculate damages, etc.
You're welcome. My bad -- I should have been clearer. And not relied
on sarcasm, to which I now assume you're immune.

Class action suits are like like all other suits for damages -- to
recover you have to show that you've sustained harm and that the party
you're suing is at fault in causing said harm. Phone companies are
regulated entities, i.e., they have service requirements that state
commerce commissions enforce. Phone companies also insist on a detailed
contract with you as a subscriber that likely got you to agree to almost
anything in return for getting occasional dial tone.

So finding Verizon liable is going to be a trick, especially if they've
met their public commitments to regulatory bodies. You could try breach
of contract, but I'd bet they're ahead of you. You could claim that the
service is so bad that your agreement violates public policy despite the
contract between you.

Even if you could surmount these problems, you'd have to convince the
court that you're out of pocket. That's what civil courts are set up to
do -- determine how much money your harm is worth. So much is your
intermittent internet connection worth?
2014-11-12 00:18:41 UTC
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
Just how frequently does this happen? Daily? Hourly?
For how long?
Did you keep records of when this happened and for how long?
Have you even asked verzion to look at your equipment and see if maybe you
either need service or replacement?
If they have given it their best shot to rectify the problem, and it still
happens, then you might remotely have a chance to file a claim.
But I would not pursue a class action until I knew for a fact that others
were experiencing the same problems.
Verizon Customer
2014-11-13 05:12:03 UTC
Post by richard
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
Just how frequently does this happen? Daily? Hourly?
Several times a day
Post by richard
For how long?
Since June
Post by richard
Did you keep records of when this happened and for how long?
Yes, once it started happening repeatedly
Post by richard
Have you even asked verzion to look at your equipment and see if maybe you
either need service or replacement?
Yes. Technician isolated problem to the line between the interconnetion box on the house and the box on the pole. He said the wire was corroded and insulation crumbling in his hand. He was able to cut off enough of one end to make a good connection, but the rest of the wire was in bad shape. I asked who was responsible for the wire. He said Verizon. I said what needs to be done. He said replaced the wire. I said great. He said, no, Verizon does not replace copper wires. "We spent a lot of money installing fiber optic and are not about to go around replacing copper wires." I said I don't want to pay extra for fiber optic. He said then you have to live with this. That's when I started thinking law suit.
Post by richard
If they have given it their best shot to rectify the problem, and it still
happens, then you might remotely have a chance to file a claim.
But I would not pursue a class action until I knew for a fact that others
were experiencing the same problems.
He told me while he was trying to find a good wire he crumbled the wires that led to their house. I checked with neighbors and sure enough, now they have the same problem.
K Wills (Shill #3)
2014-11-12 10:04:01 UTC
On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:48:47 -0800, "Verizon Customer"
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial
tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class
action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
Dial tones? With a cell? I suppose it could happen, but it would
be odd.
Could the problem be with your phone? Have it checked by an
authorized service tech. There may be something amiss with your phone
that can be corrected.
If you're determined to bring about a suit, you'll want to speak
with a lawyer about it.
"Listen guv, I'm a ten-guv-a-day copper, always have been, always will
be. If you want me to work on this case, I'm going to be calling you
guv all day long. It's all I know and it's all you need to know, guv."
- Shouting George
2014-11-12 15:15:59 UTC
Post by K Wills (Shill #3)
On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:48:47 -0800, "Verizon Customer"
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial
tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class
action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
Dial tones? With a cell? I suppose it could happen, but it would
be odd.
Could the problem be with your phone? Have it checked by an
authorized service tech. There may be something amiss with your phone
that can be corrected.
If you're determined to bring about a suit, you'll want to speak
with a lawyer about it.
Probably using the term "dial tone" for lack of knowing the right term.
Even though they are not audible as in regular phones, there is still a
"tone" being generated.
Evan Platt
2014-11-12 16:05:13 UTC
Post by richard
Post by K Wills (Shill #3)
On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:48:47 -0800, "Verizon Customer"
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial
tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class
action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
Dial tones? With a cell? I suppose it could happen, but it would
be odd.
Could the problem be with your phone? Have it checked by an
authorized service tech. There may be something amiss with your phone
that can be corrected.
If you're determined to bring about a suit, you'll want to speak
with a lawyer about it.
Probably using the term "dial tone" for lack of knowing the right term.
No, the OP is likely talking about POTS service - or VOIP service over
a DSL connection.
Post by richard
Even though they are not audible as in regular phones, there is still a
"tone" being generated.
There is? On a cellular phone? I think not.There is no 'dial tone' on
a cell phone. Because nothing happens until you hit that Send button.
To reply via e-mail, remove The Obvious and .invalid from my e-mail address.
Verizon Customer
2014-11-13 05:14:27 UTC
Post by richard
Post by K Wills (Shill #3)
On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:48:47 -0800, "Verizon Customer"
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial
tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class
action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
Dial tones? With a cell? I suppose it could happen, but it would
be odd.
Could the problem be with your phone? Have it checked by an
authorized service tech. There may be something amiss with your phone
that can be corrected.
If you're determined to bring about a suit, you'll want to speak
with a lawyer about it.
Probably using the term "dial tone" for lack of knowing the right term.
Even though they are not audible as in regular phones, there is still a
"tone" being generated.
Not a cell phone -- land line with a dial tone.
K Wills (Shill #3)
2014-11-13 09:13:43 UTC
Post by richard
Post by K Wills (Shill #3)
On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:48:47 -0800, "Verizon Customer"
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial
tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class
action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
Dial tones? With a cell? I suppose it could happen, but it would
be odd.
Could the problem be with your phone? Have it checked by an
authorized service tech. There may be something amiss with your phone
that can be corrected.
If you're determined to bring about a suit, you'll want to speak
with a lawyer about it.
Probably using the term "dial tone" for lack of knowing the right term.
Even though they are not audible as in regular phones, there is still a
"tone" being generated.
If so, it must be a very high pitched one as I've never heard it.
"Listen guv, I'm a ten-guv-a-day copper, always have been, always will
be. If you want me to work on this case, I'm going to be calling you
guv all day long. It's all I know and it's all you need to know, guv."
- Shouting George
Evan Platt
2014-11-12 16:05:52 UTC
On Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:04:01 -0600, "K Wills (Shill #3)"
Post by K Wills (Shill #3)
On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:48:47 -0800, "Verizon Customer"
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial
tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class
action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
Dial tones? With a cell? I suppose it could happen, but it would
be odd.
The OP is likely talking about POTS service or VoIP over a internet
To reply via e-mail, remove The Obvious and .invalid from my e-mail address.
K Wills (Shill #3)
2014-11-13 09:13:53 UTC
On Wed, 12 Nov 2014 08:05:52 -0800, Evan Platt
Post by Evan Platt
On Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:04:01 -0600, "K Wills (Shill #3)"
Post by K Wills (Shill #3)
On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:48:47 -0800, "Verizon Customer"
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial
tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class
action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
Dial tones? With a cell? I suppose it could happen, but it would
be odd.
The OP is likely talking about POTS service or VoIP over a internet
Verizon has plain telephone service? I'm way out of touch.
There's no place like
Verizon Customer
2014-11-13 05:13:39 UTC
Post by K Wills (Shill #3)
On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:48:47 -0800, "Verizon Customer"
Post by Verizon Customer
Anyone else having intermittent or disconnected internet access or dial
tones during the last few months? I am looking into possibly filing a class
action lawsuit. Anyone have experience with those?
Dial tones? With a cell? I suppose it could happen, but it would
be odd.
This is land line, not cell.
Post by K Wills (Shill #3)
Could the problem be with your phone? Have it checked by an
authorized service tech. There may be something amiss with your phone
that can be corrected.
Phones and internal wiring are fine. Tech isolated to Verizon wire. See other reply.
Post by K Wills (Shill #3)
If you're determined to bring about a suit, you'll want to speak
with a lawyer about it.
"Listen guv, I'm a ten-guv-a-day copper, always have been, always will
be. If you want me to work on this case, I'm going to be calling you
guv all day long. It's all I know and it's all you need to know, guv."
- Shouting George