timeouts on News Servers
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Big Al
2008-03-12 00:34:26 UTC
I had my fios go out on Friday and ever since it came back, I've been
getting timeouts only when trying to connect to the news.verizon.net
server. 10060 errors.

I'm curious if a few fios people who are having no issues could give me
what dns servers their routers are set for.

I have spoken to verizon support and they say there is nothing going on
at their end, and I am wondering if maybe when my router was rebooted it
picked up a buggy dns address? I would think that it would show up on
web pages too, but that is working okay. I'm drawing at straws I
guess, but I have no other ideas? That or the main gateway?

Thanks for any input.
Bit Twister
2008-03-12 00:53:33 UTC
Post by Big Al
I had my fios go out on Friday and ever since it came back, I've been
getting timeouts only when trying to connect to the news.verizon.net
server. 10060 errors.
I'm curious if a few fios people who are having no issues could give me
what dns servers their routers are set for.
ips for you may not match what is used here in Dallas tx.
My dns ips may resolve news to DC news server while someone else's
resolves to a NY news server.

If you think it is a resolver problem, ping news.verizon.net to get
your news server ip and hard code it. when news.verizon.net fails, try
the hardcoded ip.

Since I do not do windows, I have no idea if putting
ip news.verizon.net news
in your hosts file will get resolved before going to verizon's dns
Big Al
2008-03-12 01:15:44 UTC
Post by Bit Twister
Post by Big Al
I had my fios go out on Friday and ever since it came back, I've been
getting timeouts only when trying to connect to the news.verizon.net
server. 10060 errors.
I'm curious if a few fios people who are having no issues could give me
what dns servers their routers are set for.
ips for you may not match what is used here in Dallas tx.
My dns ips may resolve news to DC news server while someone else's
resolves to a NY news server.
If you think it is a resolver problem, ping news.verizon.net to get
your news server ip and hard code it. when news.verizon.net fails, try
the hardcoded ip.
Since I do not do windows, I have no idea if putting
ip news.verizon.net news
in your hosts file will get resolved before going to verizon's dns
I've tried tracert and it seems to get hung at
Seems I'm getting more and more info for support tomorrow. I don't
want to hop via Timbuktu to get to the server... didn't think of that.